Contoh-contoh Pemimpin yang Tidak Benar, Contoh Kedelapan: Komandan Peleton Memilih Menjaga Tas Dibanding Menyerbu Musuh

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“I have told many stories about leaders whom I admire, leaders from Indonesia as well as from other countries. These figures are individuals who are worth learning from. However, there are also some examples of officers and commanders that should not be emulated. In my opinion, they are individuals who are not fit to be leaders.”

“In my experience during active duty, the operations I often participated in were anti-guerrilla or anti-insurgency operations. In anti-guerrilla operations, small unit contacts and actions are very important. The drills for these contacts are crucial. In anti-guerrilla warfare, we may have up to 10 or 12 drills. In these drills, the first step after hearing gunfire is to drop our packs and usually two people in the team are assigned to gather the packs and keep them secure. The rest of the team then proceeds to counter-ambush and continue the assault on the enemy.”

“I have heard of cases where a commander’s order during these drills was for his subordinates to make the assault while he stayed behind to guard the packs. This is very wrong. A Platoon Commander should not be guarding packs. The NCO and his subordinates should be the ones carrying out the assault. But these things have happened and I am sharing this story so that it does not happen again among officers.”

“In my opinion, this is very embarrassing. A Platoon Commander, a graduate of the Military Academy, is supposed to be a courageous individual, a hope of the entire nation admired by everyone. If it turns out that he is just guarding packs, in my opinion, this is a very embarrassing action.”

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