Momen Prabowo Tepuk Tangan Sumringah Saat Kiky Saputri Ungkap Kehamilan

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Jakarta – Candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, also felt happy when he found out that comedian Kiky Saputri is pregnant. The news was heard by Prabowo while live with Raffi Ahmad through the @raffinagita1717 account, during his political safari in Bandar Lampung, on Thursday (11/1).

Raffi revealed that during the live streaming, there were many people and even local artists who watched. In fact, besides Kiky, several Indonesian artists also joined to convey their greetings to Prabowo.

“Pak, assalamualaikum!” said Kiky.

“Waalaikumsalam,” answered Prabowo who was accompanied by Zulkifli Hasan.

“My seniors,” said Kiky while giving her respects.

“What are you doing?” asked Prabowo, seeing Kiky in a car.

“Pak, I’m going to check my pregnancy, Pak. Pray for me!” Kiky replied.

Hearing that answer, Prabowo looked surprised and happy. While clapping excitedly, Prabowo smiled broadly. Kiky then asked if she could meet Prabowo.

“Pak, can I meet you if I really want to?” asked Kiky.

“Yes, yes,” answered Prabowo while laughing.

“But you have to dance,” continued Kiky.

Hearing that request, Prabowo laughed again.

“Kiky wants to check her pregnancy, hopefully if it’s a boy, it will be as strong as Pak Prabowo,” said Raffi.

“Aamiin, (hopefully) strong,” said Kiky while making a heart symbol with her thumb and index finger.

Prabowo then immediately responded with the same symbol with his fingers.

“Oh, Pak, sarangheyo, Pak sarangheyo,” said Kiky.

She also prayed that Prabowo would always be given health in the midst of his increasingly busy activities leading up to the 2024 Presidential Election. (SENOPATI)

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